In den USA lief gestern die letzte Folge der Serie „Victorious“ im Fernsehen. Doch Hauptdarstellerin Victoria Justice (19) war mit dem Ende nicht zufrieden.
Sie findet, dass nach 58 Folgen und 4 Episoden ein richtiges Ende gefehlt hat, wie sie bei Facebook verkündet hat. „Obwohl es kein richtiges Ende für ‚Victorious‘ gibt, sind hier meine Gedanken in einem offenem Brief, wie es für uns alle endet.“
Für jeden der Charaktere hat sie ein Ende geschrieben, so findet sie, dass ihr Charakter Tori einen Plattendeal unterschreiben sollte und auf Tour geht, genau wie sie selbst. Ihre Freundin Cat gründet gemeinsam mit Sam eine Babysitter Agentur, genau wie in der neuen Serie, für die Ariana Grande (19) bereits vor der Kamera stand.
Hi guys,
As most of you know by now, tonight is the final episode of Victorious. In honor of this I thought I’d write a letter about my journey on Nickelodeon and most of all my gratitude to all of you.
It all started when I was twelve years old and auditioned for a role on a show called “Zoey 101” for the part of “Lola”. I was cast as a series regular on the second season. I knew my life was going to change in many ways, but I didn’t know then that that role on “Zoey 101” would lead me to almost eight years on “Nickelodeon” (all my teenage years). I remember Dan Schneider approaching me and my Mom about giving me the starring role of my own show. I remember discussing the premise of what the show would be, like it was yesterday. I remember discussing what we would name it and him calling me one day and saying, “I have it, it’s going to be called Victorious”. He was so excited, because he thought it was perfect. I remember him saying, “see, it has your name in the title, along with your character’s name (Tori) and you’re character’s “Victorious” because she makes it into this really cool school.” I thought great, I loved it. From that point on, it’s been an incredible ride.
Our first day of production of the pilot was on my 16th birthday. I remember Dan saying, “some girls get a car for their 16th birthday, but I just thought I’d give you a TV show”. We all laughed and we then started our very first table read. It was all so exciting. At the end of the table read, they surprised me with a big birthday cake, flowers and balloons. It was a moment I’ll never forget. That moment happened Feb. 19th, 2009.
The show aired in March of 2010 right after the Kids Choice Awards and we debuted to record numbers for the network. I remember it like it was yesterday. So, here we are, Feb. 2nd and it’s almost three years later and we are showing our final episode, titled, “Victori-yes”. The cast and I have had so many incredible memories together and we are so touched by the outpouring of support from all of you. The cast and I really do wish we had a proper finale, but it wasn’t to be. So, because we don’t have one, I’m going to tell you what I think happens to every cast member.
Tori- Tori gets signed to a record deal and becomes a popstar. She then goes out on a headlining tour *wink*.
Andre- He also gets signed to a record deal and not only is super successful as a recording artist, but also as a writer/producer. His albums go multi-platinum.
Trina- Trina is looking to marry a prince (because that’s what she feels she deserves) so she auditions and gets accepted to the new season of the bachelor, where England’s Prince Harry is the new bachelor (poor Harry).
Beck- He keeps auditioning and gets cast in his own series of a high school student who’s also a sociopath *wink*. His new show films in another city and he and Jade break up.
Cat- She realizes that she has strong feelings for Robbie and that it was him along. Cat also starts her own babysitting service with a girl named “Sam” *wink*.
Robbie- He finally says goodbye to Rex after he finds love with Cat. Sometimes he tries to move Cat’s mouth with his hand… she understands and goes along with it.
Jade- goes onto have a very successful career as Hollywood’s new horror queen.
Sikowitz- starts a very successful coconut water company.
Sin Jin- becomes a billionaire because of a new social media online company he started. He gives Mark Zuckerberg (FaceBook owner) a run for his money.
There you have it. The gang always stays in touch every year after year at Hollwood Arts reunions.
So many of you have tweeted me and messaged me about how the show has really touched you and given you inspiration to follow your own dreams. I just want to say that all of you have touched us with your incredible support and inspired all of us each week to make it the best show we possibly could. It has been an honor and a privilege to be a part of your childhood/teenagehood (20+hood, we know you guys are watching too, lol) for these past three years.
So with much love, we hope you enjoy the final episode of Victorious tonight at 8 pm. It’s goodbye for now, but not forever. The cast and I hope you’ll continue to check in and see what 2013 has in store for all of us.
With much love and gratitude,
Victoria Justice a.k.a. Tori Vega