Vergangene Nacht fanden in Universal City (Kalifornien) die Teen Choice Awards 2012 statt. Wir haben euch einige Highlights und alle Gewinner rausgepickt!
Demi Lovato moderierte in diesem Jahr zusammen mit Kevin McHale die TCA. Ganz zu Anfang gab es ein grandioses Opening vom kompletten Cast des neuen Tanzfilms „Step Up Revolution“. Taylor Swift, die an dem Abend sage und schreibe FÜNF Preise einsackte, bekam während der Performance sogar einen Handkuss spendiert.
Das Countryschnuckelchen räumte unter anderem in den Kategorien „Female Artist“, „Female Country Artist“ und „Country Song“ (für „Sparks Fly“) ab.
Nicht ganz so erfolgreich war ihre gute Freundin Selena Gomez, die mit ihrer Band „The Scene“ nur zur „Choice Music Group“ gevotet wurde, ansonsten konnte sie nur ihren Schatz Justin Bieber feiern, für den es vier Awards hagelte.
Er performte außerdem ein tolles Medley seiner Songs „Boyfriend“ und seiner neuen Single „As Long As You Love Me“.
Eines der Highlights bei den Teen Choice Awards war definitiv der Cast von „Breaking Dawn“ auf der Bühne. Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart und Taylor Lautner holten sich die begehrten Surfbretter in der Kategorie „Choice Movie (Romance)“ ab und bedankten sich artig für unglaubliche fünf Jahre.
Noch mehr Infos, Bilder und Videos posten wir euch im Laufe des Tages. Hier ist erstmal die komplette, sehr lange Gewinnerliste!
Choice Movie: Action: Abduction
Choice Movie Actor: Action: Taylor Lautner, Abduction
Choice Movie Actress: Action: Zoe Saldana, Colombiana
Choice Movie: Sci-Fi/Fantasy: The Hunger Games
Choice Movie Actor: Sci-Fi/Fantasy: Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games and Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Choice Movie Actress: Sci-Fi/Fantasy: Jennifer Lawrence, The Hunger Games
Choice Movie: Drama: The Lucky One
Choice Movie Actor: Drama: Zac Efron, The Lucky One
Choice Movie Actress: Drama: Emma Stone, The Help
Choice Movie: Comedy: 21 Jump Street
Choice Movie Actor: Comedy: Channing Tatum, 21 Jump Street
Choice Movie Actress: Comedy: Emma Stone, Crazy, Stupid, Love
Choice Movie: Romance: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1
Choice Movie Actor: Romance: Zac Efron, The Lucky One
Choice Movie Actress: Romance: Kristen Stewart, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1
Choice Movie Voice: Taylor Swift as Audrey, Dr. Seuss‘ The Lorax
Choice Movie Chemistry: Jennifer Lawrence and Amandla Stenberg, The Hunger Games
Choice Movie Liplock: Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games
Choice Movie Hissy Fit: Charlize Theron, Snow White & The Huntsman
Choice Movie Villain: Alexander Ludwig, The Hunger Games
Choice Movie Scene Stealer: Male: Liam Hemsworth, The Hunger Games
Choice Movie Scene Stealer: Female: Ashley Greene, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1
Choice Movie Breakout: Rihanna, Battleship
Choice Summer Movie: Action: The Avengers
Choice Summer Movie: Comedy/Music: Katy Perry: Part of Me
Choice Summer Movie Star: Male: Chris Hemsworth, Snow White & The Huntsman“ and „The Avengers
Choice Summer Movie Star: Female: Kristen Stewart, Snow White & The Huntsman
Choice TV Show: Drama: Pretty Little Liars
Choice TV Actor: Drama: Ian Harding, Pretty Little Liars
Choice TV Actress: Drama: Lucy Hale, Pretty Little Liars
Choice TV Show: Fantasy/Sci-Fi: The Vampire Diaries
Choice TV Actor: Fantasy/Sci-Fi: Ian Somerhalder, The Vampire Diaries
Choice TV Actress: Fantasy/Sci-Fi: Nina Dobrev, The Vampire Diaries
Choice TV Show: Action: CSI: Miami
Choice TV Actor: Action: Adam Rodriguez, CSI: Miami
Choice TV Actress: Action: Linda Hunt, NCIS: Los Angeles
Choice TV Show: Comedy: Glee
Choice TV Actor: Comedy: Chris Colfer, Glee
Choice TV Actress: Comedy: Lea Michele, Glee
Choice TV: Animated Show: The Simpsons
Choice TV: Male Personality: Simon Cowell, The X Factor
Choice TV: Female Personality: Jennifer Lopez, American Idol
Choice TV: Reality Competition Show: The X Factor
Choice TV: Reality Show: Punk’d
Choice TV: Male Reality Star: Paul „DJ Pauly D“ DelVecchio, Jersey Shore and The Pauly D Project
Choice TV: Female Reality Star: The Kardashians, Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Choice Summer TV Show: Teen Wolf
Choice Summer TV Star: Female: Troian Bellisario, Pretty Little Liars
Choice Summer TV Star: Male: Tyler Posey, Teen Wolf
Choice TV Villain: Janel Parrish, Pretty Little Liars
Choice TV Female Scene Stealer: Candice Accola, The Vampire Dairies
Choice TV Male Scene Stealer: Michael Trevino, The Vampire Diaries
Choice TV Breakout Show: The X Factor
Choice TV Breakout Star: Female: Hannah Simone, New Girl
Choice TV Breakout Star: Male: Beau Mirchoff, Awkward
Choice Male Artist: Justin Bieber
Choice Female Artist: Taylor Swift
Choice Music Group: Selena Gomez & The Scene
Choice R&B/Hip-Hop Artist: Nicki Minaj
Choice R&B/Hip-Hop Song: „Starships,“ Nicki Minaj
Choice Rock Group: Fun
Choice Rock Song: „Paradise,“ Coldplay
Choice Electronic Dance Music (EDM) Artist: David Guetta
Choice Single by a Group: „Hit The Lights“, Selena Gomez & The Scene
Choice Single by a Female Artist: „Eyes Open,“ Taylor Swift
Choice Single by a Male Artist: „Boyfriend,“ Justin Bieber
Choice Male Country Artist: Hunter Hayes
Choice Female Country Artist: Taylor Swift
Choice Country Song: „Sparks Fly,“ Taylor Swift
Choice Country Group: Lady Antebellum
Choice Summer Song: „Call Me Maybe,“ Carly Rae Jepsen
Choice Love Song: „What Makes You Beautiful,“ One Direction
Choice Break-Up Song: „Payphone,“ Maroon 5 featuring Wiz Khalifa
Choice Summer Music Star: Female: Demi Lovato
Choice Summer Music Star: Male: Justin Bieber
Choice Summer Music Star: Group: One Direction
Choice Music: Breakout Artist: Carly Rae Jepsen
Choice Music: Breakout Group: One Direction
Choice Fashion Icon: Female: Katy Perry
Choice Fashion Icon: Male: Justin Bieber
Choice Female Hottie: Miley Cyrus
Choice Male Hottie: Ian Somerhalder
Choice Female Athlete: Serena Williams (Tennis)
Choice Male Athlete: David Beckham (Soccer)
Choice Book: The Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins
Choice Comedian: Ellen DeGeneres
Choice Twit: Demi Lovato
Choice Web Star: Sophia Grace and Rosie
Choice Video Game: Just Dance 3
Choice Social Network: Facebook