Gestern Abend wurden im Shrine Auditorium die NAACP Image Awards 2013 (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) verliehen und zu den großen Gewinnern des Abends gehörte Kerry Washington.
Die Schauspielerin konnte 3 Preise abräumen. Sie wurde als Beste Schauspielerin in einer Dramaserie für ihre Rolle in „Scandal“ ausgezeichnet und als Beste Nebendarstellerin in „Django Unchained“. Außerdem wurde ihr der President’s Award für ihren Dienst an der Öffentlichkeit verliehen.
Als sie den Preis für ihre Rolle als Broomhilda in „Django Unchained“ annahm, erklärte sie: „Dieser Preise gehört nicht mir. Er gehört unseren Vorfahren. Wir haben diesen Film auf einer Plantage gedreht, auf der Sklaven lebten und sie waren jeden Schritt bei uns.“
LL Cool J, der einen Preis als Bester Darsteller für seine Rolle in „NCIS: Los Angeles“ bekam, widmetet seinen Award Michael Clarke Duncan, der im letzten Jahr verstarb. „Ich wünsche seiner Familie alles Gute. Lasst uns für ihn applaudieren.“
Hier alle Gewinner der NAACP Image Awards 2013:
Comedy Series
„The Game“ (BET)
Actor in a Comedy Series
Don Cheadle „House Of Lies“ (Showtime)
Cassi Davis „Tyler Perry’s House of Payne“ (TBS)
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Lance Gross
„Tyler Perry’s House of Payne“ (TBS)
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Vanessa Williams „Desperate Housewives“ (ABC)
Drama Series
„Scandal“ (ABC)
Actor in a Drama Series
LL Cool J „NCIS: Los Angeles“ (CBS)
Actress in a Drama Series
Kerry Washington „Scandal“ (ABC)
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Omar Epps „House M.D.“(FOX)
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Loretta Devine „Grey’s Anatomy“(ABC)
Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special
„Steel Magnolias“ (Lifetime)
Actor in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special
Cuba Gooding, Jr. „Hallmark Hall of Fame’s FIRELIGHT“ (ABC)
Actress in a Television Movie, Mini-Series or Dramatic Special
Alfre Woodard „Steel Magnolias“ (Lifetime)
Actor in a Daytime Drama Series
Kristoff St. John „The Young and the Restless“ (CBS)
Actress in a Daytime Drama Series
Tatyana Ali „The Young and the Restless“(CBS)
News/Information(Series or Special)
„Unsung“ (TV One)
Talk Series
„The View“ (ABC)
Reality Series
„Welcome to Sweetie Pie’s“ (OWN)
Variety Series or Special
„Black Girls Rock“ (BET)
Children’s Program
„Kasha and the Zulu King“ (BET)
Performance in a Youth/ Children’s Program – (Series or Special)
Loretta Devine „Doc McStuffins“ (Disney Junior block on Disney Channel)
New Artist
Elle Varner (MBK/RCA)
Male Artist
Usher (RCA Records)
Female Artist
Alicia Keys (RCA Records)
Duo, Group or Collaboration
Mary Mary (Columbia)
Jazz Album
„The Preservation Hall 50th Anniversary Collection“ The Preservation Hall Jazz Band(Legacy)
Gospel Album (Traditional or Contemporary)
„Go Get It“ Mary Mary (Columbia)
World Music Album
„All of Me“ Estelle (Atlantic)
Music Video
„Girl On Fire“ Alicia Keys (RCA Records)
„I Look To You“ Whitney Houston and R. Kelly (RCA Records)
„I Will Always Love You: The Best Of Whitney Houston“ Whitney Houston (RCA Records)
Literary Work – Fiction
„The Reverend’s Wife“ Kimberla Lawson Roby (Grand Central Publishing)
Literary Work – Non-Fiction
„The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court “ Jeffrey Toobin (Doubleday)
Literary Work – Debut Author
„Nikki G: A Portrait of Nikki Giovanni in Her Own Words“ Darryl L. Lacy (Darryl L. Lacy (iUniverse)
Literary Work – Biography/Auto-Biography
„Across That Bridge: Life Lessons and a Vision for Change“ John Lewis (Hyperion)
Literary Work – Instructional
„Health First: The Black Woman’s Wellness Guide“ Eleanor Hinton Hoytt, Hilary Beard (SmileyBooks)
Literary Work – Poetry
„Speak Water“ Truth Thomas (Cherry Castle Publishing)
Literary Work – Children
„What Color is My World?“ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Author), Raymond Obstfeld (Author), A.G. Ford (Illustrator) (Candlewick Press)
Literary Work – Youth/Teens
„Obama Talks Back: Global Lessons A Dialogue With America’s Young Leaders“ Gregory Reed (Amber Books)
Motion Picture
„Red Tails“ (Lucasfilm)
Actor in a Motion Picture
Denzel Washington „Flight“ (Paramount Pictures)
Actress in a Motion Picture
Viola Davis „Won’t Back Down“ (20th Century Fox)
Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Samuel L. Jackson „Django Unchained“ (Weinstein Co.)
Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture
Kerry Washington „Django Unchained“ (Weinstein Co.)
Independent Motion Picture
„Beasts of the Southern Wild“ (Fox Searchlight Pictures) & „Red Tails“ (Lucasfilm)
International Motion Picture
„The Intouchables“ (Weinstein Co.)
Documentary (Theatrical or Television)
„On the Shoulders of Giants: The Story of the Greatest Team You’ve Never Heard Of“ (Showtime)
Writing in a Comedy Series
Marc Wilmore „The Simpsons“ – The Spy Who Learned Me (FOX)
Writing in a Dramatic Series
Cheo Hodari Coker „SouthLAnd“ – God’s Work (TNT)
Writing in a Motion Picture (Theatrical or Television)
Elizabeth Hunter „Abducted: The Carlina White Story“ (Lifetime)
Directing in a Comedy Series
Ken Whittingham „Parks and Recreation“ (NBC)
Directing in a Dramatic Series
Paris Barclay „Smash“ (NBC)
Directing in a Motion Picture (Theatrical or Television)
Benh Zeitlin „Beasts of the Southern Wild“ (Fox Searchlight Pictures)
Bilder: PR Photos