James Gandolfini ist tot! Diese Nachricht schockt heute ganz Hollywood.
Der Schauspieler, der durch seine Rolle des Tony Soprano in der Serie „The Sopranos“ (er gewann 3 Emmys dafür!) berühmt wurde, starb am Donnerstag in Italien. Er sollte am 59. Taormina Film Festival in Sizilien teilnehmen, aber dazu wird es leider nicht mehr kommen.
Angeblich hatte der 51-Jährige einen Herzinfarkt, eine genaue Todesursache ist aber noch nicht bekannt. Als sich der tragische Tod ereignete, soll er sich mitten auf einem Männer-Trip mit seinem Teenager-Sohn Michael befunden haben. James‘ erste Frau Marcy Wudarski flog direkt nach Italien, um bei ihrem Kind zu sein.
Er hinterlässt außerdem seine Ehefrau Deborah Lin und die gemeinsame Tochter Liliana (8 Monate).
‚Sopranos‘-Erfinder David Chase erklärte gegenüber ‚TMZ‘, „James war ein Genie. Er ist einer der größten Schauspieler dieser und aller Zeiten. Er war mein Partner, er war mein Bruder. Auf Arten, die ich niemals erklären kann.
James Gandolfini wirkte in unzähligen Filmen mit, darunter auch „Get Shorty“, „Zero Dark Thirty“, „Killing Them Softly“ (mit Brad Pitt) und „Welcome to the Rileys“ (mit Kristen Stewart).
Zahlreiche Stars wie Olivia Wilde, Christina Applegate, Justin Timberlake, Alyssa Milano und Jeff Daniels bekundeten bei Twitter ihre Anteilnahme. Hier eine kleine Auswahl davon…
James Gandolfini was a kind, funny, wonderful guy. I'm so lucky to have worked with him. Sending love to his family. Such a sad, sad day.
— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) June 19, 2013
James Gandolfini. Unbelievably sad news. A fine man.
— Steve Carell (@SteveCarell) June 20, 2013
James Gandolfini was a great guy. Better actor. I'm sorry for his family.
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) June 19, 2013
I am so deeply saddened by the untimely passing of sweet James Gandolfini! My heart is broken for his family!! I'm in shock
— christina applegate (@1capplegate) June 19, 2013
I'm truly heartbroken to hear that James Gandolfini has passed away. He is one of my all time favorite actors. Tragic loss.
— Jonah Hill (@JonahHill) June 19, 2013
Rest in peace, Mr. Gandolfini.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) June 19, 2013
So sad to hear about James Gandolfini. RIP
— Lucy Hale (@lucyhale) June 19, 2013
I am heartbroken about James Gandolfini. He was a gentle giant and great man. I love this picture, I loved him. pic.twitter.com/Y1wdbeUDfK
— rose mcgowan (@rosemcgowan) June 19, 2013
I'm sadder about James Gandolfini than everyone else.
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) June 20, 2013
R.I.P James Gandolfini. My prayers to his family and friends. He will certainly be missed by us who loved watching him
— Leah Remini (@LeahRemini) June 20, 2013
james gandolfini– so sad what an incredible actor. more loss. be good to each other. it's all so short
— GAVIN ROSSDALE (@GavinRossdale) June 20, 2013
Not tony soprano! Damn. Such a good guy and a great actor. James, rest in peace… http://t.co/TpfJNywu8X
— Russell Simmons (@UncleRUSH) June 19, 2013
RIP James Gandolfini. A great friend.
— Jeff Daniels (@Jeff_Daniels) June 19, 2013
James Gandolfini. You created an icon. And you cut to black way too abruptly. Thank you, and rest in peace.
— Damon Lindelof (@DamonLindelof) June 19, 2013
I'm truly heartbroken to hear that James Gandolfini has passed away. He is one of my all time favorite actors. Tragic loss.
— Jonah Hill (@JonahHill) June 19, 2013
So so so sad about James Gandolfini – 51 is way too young.
— Lance Bass (@LanceBass) June 19, 2013
James Gandoldini gave the greatest performance in the history of television. He was also a kind man. Condolences to his family.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) June 20, 2013
Jesus. The world just lost one of its great actors. James Gandolfini has passed away. Thoughts to his family. Such a talent. I'm saddened.
— Ewan McGregor (@mcgregor_ewan) June 20, 2013
So sad to lose James Gandolfini. One of the sweetest, funniest, most generous actors I’ve ever worked with. Sending prayers to his family.
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) June 20, 2013
#RIP James Gandolfini an amazing talent gone at age 51 so tragic.
— Jennifer Grey (@JenniferGrey) June 19, 2013
The great James Gandolfini passed away today. Only 51. I can't believe it.
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) June 20, 2013
Speechless. James Gandolfini. Really sad… Hug the kids.
— Katey Sagal (@Kateylous) June 20, 2013
My thoughts and prayers go out to James Gandolfini's family. An extraordinary actor. RIP, Mr. Gandolfini.
— Robin Williams (@robinwilliams) June 20, 2013
James Gandolfini…this sucks!!! Seriously sucks! You are so loved and admired…I hope somehow you know that…sogni d'oro Gandolfini XXO
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) June 20, 2013
Sad to hear about James Gandolfini . First met Jimmy back in '94.He was roommates in NY with Lenny Loftin. Lovely man. RIP Jimmy
— Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) June 20, 2013
Massive blow to the acting community today… The passing of James Gandolfini. So talented. My heart goes out to his family!
— Samuel L. Jackson (@SamuelLJackson) June 20, 2013
James Gandolfini was an amazing actor. Life is too short.
— Zach Braff (@zachbraff) June 20, 2013
Such sad news about James Gandolfini… What an incredible actor… My thoughts are with his family.
— Lea Michele (@msleamichele) June 20, 2013
Really though… This James Gandolfini passing is so sad. My heart goes out to his family in this time. RIP #takentoosoon
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) June 20, 2013
RIP James Gandolfini. An amazing actor who changed the game and raised the bar. You will be missed.
— oliviamunn (@oliviamunn) June 20, 2013
james gandolfini gone too soon and sorely missed already. rest in peace.
— Zachary Quinto (@ZacharyQuinto) June 20, 2013